Friday, April 27, 2012


kickstarter gives artists a chance to share their ideas and hard work with the internet world. they share their plans and set a goal for funding. People can donate money to help artists get on their way to accomplishing goals. artist have to offer some kind of reward. rewards are things like a copy of what’s being made, a limited edition, or a custom experience related to the project.  if the artist do not succeed in reaching their goal in a certain amount of time, the money is returned to donators. credit cards are not charged unless the goal is met.
i think this is pretty amazing. i cannot count how many times i've had big ideas that i've immediately shut down because of financial impossibility. this is also great motivation for artist to continue doing and making and set deadlines. deadlines are something that school has provided for me over the last 5 years, and i'm curious how i'll motivate myself in the future. maybe kickstarter?! we'll see..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

stay in touch

fecal face is a content-rich, comprehensive, multidisciplinary art and culture website
the best part about this website is the artist interviews and studio visits. i enojy being about to see in to the artists process. this site also includes blogs by prominent artists and personalities, an hourly updated news section and coverage of current art openings. this site also supports a forum board with over 2000 users, a comprehensive creative jobs database and an events calendar offering some of the more obscure attractions in san francisco, los angelos and New York. it has helped launch the careers of many a creative, and catalyzed a community of artists working in various mediums from around the globe. this is a really great resource for finding artist examples for lesson planning, and overall a great way to stay in touch with new contemporary practicing artists.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

local opportunity

"Unison Arts Center is a non-profit arts (IN NEW PALTZ!)center offering performance and visual arts programming, personal growth workshops and recreational, arts and educational activities for children and families. Unison has become an important venue for artists, crafts people and educators, and presents more than 30 performances, 50 workshops and 8 gallery exhibitions each year." 

i always seem to discover these things so late.. school and work have dominated my time over the past 2 years of living out here (hudson valley area). I think that it is important as an artist (especially art educators) to investigate local arts. what is available in your community?  where can you show/see work? How can I get involved? i've started looking in to art events for the summer, because i will have more time to get involved when school is not is session.

Here are some helpful sources to find art happenings in my neck of the woods:
click to explore!

what's going on around you??

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

emphasize and advertise

the activity has been decided. to help 9th and 10th grade students better understand emphasis of design they will first view some examples of emphasis and go over simple techniques that create a focal point. they will look at example in both fine and commercial art and begin to look closer at WHAT is being emphasized. also, why?
an activity to get the students started will be to look at an ad from a magazine. they must determine what is being emphasized and how its being done. they must find at least one technique in creating emphasis that was mentioned in the introduction (contrast, isolation, convergence, the unusual, placement/location), but they mat also mention any other way they notice emphasis being used. shock value is one i've seen in both commercial and fine arts. when the activity is completed students will use the ad they have or find a new to re-create in a collage project. they will have to use some part of the original ad in their design. they must decide on a focal point that emphasized a product or idea. here are some examples of what i'd like the final product to look like: